Sunday, March 21

Text Production #DRAFT 1

What are the potential effects of global warming in terms of climate change and how can they be arrested?

The unparalleled rising in world average temperature has startled the public of how grave the earth is jeopardized in this industrial revolution. Although the intractable global warming issue has come to the forefront, many countries still remain unperturbed with the emanated warnings from the climate change. Global warming is the negative effect arose from the trapping of heat inside the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. Array plausible researches show that the world is experiencing substantial spike in temperatures, yet not much efficacious measures are being conducted even if the public is exposed to unadulterated view of its detrimental fallouts. Our planet is currently taking a heavy toll resulting in a fair chunk of disastrous consequences such as climbing temperature which lead to topography changes and losses of lives and species which deserve swift actions to deter the deteriorating situation.

According to Holli Riebeek, inordinate temperature and rainfalls are the most conspicuous effect of global warming. Since 1750, carbon dioxide levels have increased 35 percent, while temperatures have gone up between 0.6℃ and 0.9℃. (Holli Riebeek, 2007) The erratic increase in temperature leads to the breaking of Larsen-B ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula and the melting of ice in Himalaya, Switzerland and Alps. Besides, the melting of land-based ice triggered by the melting of sea-based ice also leads to the occurrence of flood in Europe, China and India. Paradoxically, global warming also causes more droughts when water evaporates rapidly and the land cracks due to extreme dryness. Lake Chad, once one of the largest lakes in the world also dried up over the last few decades to almost nothing.(Al Gore, 2007) Significantly, the geographical features of the earth will change dramatically if the world pays invariable concern towards this issue.

Global warming also potentially plagued the living creatures particularly when the heat wave in Europe killed 35000 people. The escalating ocean temperature leads to rage storms and horrendous hurricanes such as the most destructive Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The higher elevation of mosquitoes and other vectors also causes the outbreak of many infectious epidemics, such as SARS and Avian Flu. Besides, with a relatively rapid climate change, plants and animals may not be able to adapt quickly enough—and many will become extinct.(Chris Woodford, 2006) Coral reefs in the whole world are bleached because of global warming and other factors. (Al Gore, 2007) In Arctic, polar bears may be unable to survive if the sea ice melts and in United States, pine trees face vigorous attack from pine beetles that are usually killed by the cold winter weather. In short, innocent lives will be sacrificed if the sophisticated countries still show lackadaisical attitude over the impacts of global warming.

The aggravating conditions that bring lots of negative consequences should no longer be neglected. Therefore, provisional parasites of the planet, such as people from all social strata should rise to arrest the severe degradation of the environment. Al Gore opinions that the use of more efficient electricity appliances, end-use, carbon capture and storage, passenger vehicle and other transport and renewable technologies will help us to achieve carbon dioxide emission in 1970. You can replace the incandescent lamps in your home with energy-saving fluorescent lamps, switch to renewable energy, bicycle, walk, or take the bus from time to time instead of using cars. (Chris Woodford, 2006) Nowadays, almost every country takes part in reducing carbon dioxide emissions either by joining Kyoto Protocol or has their own acts. It is unethical to let the situation worsens, so let’s put your knowledge into action. (Al Gore, 2007)

In the nutshell, global warming is threatening the earth, environment and living creatures. Proponents should advocate everybody to implement rigorous measures in combating this knotty moral issue start from today. We do not have to choose between the economy and environment because economy would not exist if we do not have a planet, wealth and job opportunities would be the fruits if we are doing the right thing, consequently, the economy will inevitably, moves forward. The solutions are in our hands. (Al Gore, 2007) It is inconceivable to root out global warming as greenhouse gases are long-lived, however, we can at least do something to minimise the degree to which global warming changes lives on earth.
I'm glad if everyone can leave some comments after reading, so i can know where my weaknesses are ^^


Anonymous said...

Your essay is great. I like it.

Synlynn said...

to soo:

lysin1991 said...

wow..great work!A lot vocab for me..(i m poor in vocab)...And cite well..

Synlynn said...

to lysin1991:
thx..but i just know that the max word limit is 625words.. n my article is over the limit,need to be shortened..=.=
well,i did do some homework for this article,i searched for articles about global warming, and wrote down some vocabulary that i felt can be used for this articles,i've learnt some new vocab too,and applied them in this article

Anonymous said...

1. Is there a clear introductory sentence that introduces the subject matter and the controlling idea? What do you suggest for improvement if the introductory sentence is not clear?
Yes, the introductory sentence is clear and straight to the point. =)

2. Is there a thesis statement given as the last sentence of the introductory paragraph? Is it clear and connected to all the topic sentences of the body paragraphs?
Yes, the thesis statement shows the consequences of the prompt actions needed for the global warming. Well, it is also connected to all the topic sentences of the last paragrapgh.

3. Do the paragraphs have sufficient supporting details and examples? How can the organization be improved?
Yes, the paragraphs have sufficient details and examples. With the way of the author expresses the ideas, it shows the distinct focus of each paragraph.Furthermore, it is good that every paragraph has almost the same length which is twelve lines.

4. Are there any paragraphs which are not supported well?
To me, the paragraphs are supported well.

5. Are there any sentences or sections that are not clear? If so, how can they be improved?
Overall, it is clear.

6. Does the conclusion summarize all the main points given in the essay or restate the thesis statement? Is it clear? If not, how can the writer improve this part?
Yes, the conclusion did summarize all the main points given in the essay. But it is advised to emphasise the potential effect of global warming more clearly other than just mention that it will threat the earth,environment and living creatures.

7. Does the writer cite the sources adequately and appropriately? Note any incorrect citation.
The sources are cited properly.

9. Does the writer comprehensively cover appropriate materials available from the standard sources? If no, what is missing?
Yes, she did.

10. Additional comments:
The essay is good, well-connected,smooth flow with vast vocabulary.However, the essay is exceeding the words limit if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, good job. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

8. Are there any apparent grammatical or spelling mistakes?
1st paragraph,
climbing temperature >> climbing in temperature
losses > lost

2nd paragraph
effect > effects
levels > level
the carbon dioxide level has incraesed by 35 percent
temperatures > temperature
temperatures have gone up > temperature has gone up
ice shelf on > ice shelf in
droughts > drought
drought when... > drought. This is because water evaporates rapidly and land cracks due to extreme dryness.
Lake chad, once > lake chad, which was once one of the...

3rd paragraph
quickly enough > quick enough
many will become extinct > many will extinct

4th paragraph
Nowadays, almost every country takes part in reducing carbon dioxide emissions either by joining Kyoto Protocol or has their own acts.

has their own acts >>> it sounds weird but i don't know how to correct it. Sorry ~

5th paragraph
start from today > starting from today

Thats all that i can figure out and I don't really sure whether it is appropriate correction or not.

Sorry that I can't help much.

Synlynn said...

thx for ur comments ^^

Synlynn said...

paragraph 1,i think climbing temperature and losses of lives are more appropriate than climbing in temperature and lost of lives.

For paragraph 2 and 3,
Most of the corrections of grammar are from the sentences quoted, so i dont think i can change the sentence as those are quotations from the articles.

Quest: droughts / drought?
because i am mentioning about drought(s) in many areas in the world, so i put a 's' behind 'drought'.

paragraph 5:
thanks for the correction,but its so sorry to tell that i have removed that part since i need to stick to the word limit

thanks anyway!